Our External Responsibilities

Our External Responsibilities


A Sustainable Environment

Infotek Consulting is committed to the environment and our companies are taking action to maintain and improve the environment. We have implemented environmental policies that encourage recycling, going green, utilizing public transportation, reducing waste, and many other facets of creating a sustainable environment. We encourage our suppliers to undertake similar efforts where possible.


Working with the Community and Charitable Organizations

Infotek Consulting is committed to involvement in the community and with charitable organizations (e.g., Sick Kids, Toronto Food Bank, CHUM Christmas Wish Foundation, and has been a regular sponsor, participant, and donator for the TD Bank Charity Classic Golf Tournament in support of Sick Kids Foundation in Toronto and Children’s Health Foundation in London.)


Volunteering and Public Service

Infotek Consulting encourages our employees, consultants and contractors to participate in volunteering, public service and fund raising activities for charitable organizations and sponsors employees on a case-by-case basis. On a case-by-case basis, support, including time off may be provided to employees for such activities.


Promoting Supplier & Customer Diversity

While Infotek Consulting has few suppliers and has limited influence with them (due to the relatively small amount of our purchases), we will work to promote supplier and customer diversity by not knowingly doing business with any organization that practices or condones discrimination and by explicitly including questions concerning discrimination, employment equity, and support for human rights in any formal tenders that we issue.