By emailing your resume to Infotek Consulting, InfotekDirect or HRBrain, or by responding to our text or email with your information, you agree that Infotek Consulting and affiliated companies can:
- Retain a copy of your resume and any provided information in their database to be used to match you to potential contract and permanent job opportunities and contact you (phone, email, text) with respect to these opportunities.
- Send you notifications or contact you with respect to permanent and contract job opportunities that may be of interest.
- Send you periodic updates on topics (contracting, IT Trends, employment, contracting issues or similar topics) that are likely to be of interest to you.
- Periodically, request updates on your current employment/contracting status, current skills and experience, and availability for work as well as updated contact and resume information.
- Send messages requesting assistance in identifying colleagues or other persons you know who may be interested in applying for, or receiving information on, specific job or contract opportunities.
You may request that your information be removed from our database at any time by emailing Unfortunately, proof of independent contracting, taxation as well as some other information must be retained for legal purposes. However, this information will be hidden from general and operational access.
You may opt out of receiving texts, emails and phone calls by texting OPT OUT to (555) 555-5678 or by sending an email with OPT OUT in the subject line to